Trollbeads Star Spangled and Ready for the 4th of July!

This patriotic bangle features 3 faceted stone in red white and blue on a textured star bangle.
Pictured Above: Hessonite Garnet, Milky Quartz, Lapis Lazuli on a Star Bangle with Night Sky Spacers

Something many Trollbeads collectors look forward to every year is bringing out their summer red, white and blue designs! I have been helping many ladies assemble their holiday bracelets, so I thought I would share some of my favorite inspiration looks with all of you!

First up is the adorable Trollbeads bangle that you see up at the top of the page. This is an easy bangle to put together, if you do not want to commit to an entire red, white and blue bracelet. These beads are also very versatile and can be used on so many different bracelets. I chose the night sky spacers because when you turn them on their sides you can see a star shape outline, which lends itself to the American flag theme. The bangle is also the star bangle, showing that you can be very “theme-y” without going wild.

Pictured Above (clockwise from Lock): Star of Wisdom, White Stripe, Guiding Star, Wishful Sky Bracelet Bead, Milky Quartz, Wishful Sky Bracelet Silver Bead, Star Spangled, Lapis Lazuli, White House, Mountain Crystal, Hessonite Garnet, Sparkling Star, Moon Ocean, New York Freedom, Red Bubbles, Star of Power, Wish! Pendant on a Wishful Sky Bracelet

This bracelet is born directly from my LOVE of all the star designs that Trollbeads has been releasing lately! I started with a Wishful Sky starter bracelet, which I would highly recommend for any one who has not grabbed it up yet ( you can read more about the starter bracelet here). I usually do not wear my changeable fantasy necklace with the Wish! Pendant, so I was very happy when I figured out that I could use it on my bracelets. It is the same star that is featured on the Wishful Sky lock, so I generally use them together with lots of blues.

Stripes and Stars grace this fun patriot silver bracelet design

Pictured Above (clockwise from Lock): Star of Wisdom, White Stripe, Guiding Star, Wishful Sky Bracelet Bead, Milky Quartz, Wishful Sky Bracelet Silver Bead, Star Spangled, Lapis Lazuli, White House, Mountain Crystal, Hessonite Garnet, Sparkling Star, Moon Ocean, New York Freedom, Red Bubbles, Star of Power, Wish! Pendant on a Wishful Sky Bracelet

I love how quickly adding and removing even just a few beads can change an entire bracelet so dramatically. This style is so easily changed to a celestial bracelet just by removing the reds and some silver, then adding a few beads like the Magical Lamp, some zodiac signs, Silver Mountain and Daylight Brilliance. I can also envision how this could be an easy transformation into a Christmas bracelet too.

Pictured Above: Red Stripe, Milky Quartz, The Diamond Bead in Blue, Scarlet Bud, Mountain Crystal, Milky Way, Star Spangled, Autumn Rays, The Dimaond Bead in White, Throat Chakra, Saffron Facet, White Bubbles, The Eye, Autumn Foliage, White Stripe

Something I have been trying lately is using either all glass or all silver as a design challenge on my bracelets. That just so happens to work out really well for the Red, White and Blue theme I have going on in this particular post! There are certain beads here that are total no-brainers to use in a red white and blue look, but others like the Saffron Facet that took a bit more thought in placing.

Trollbeads Red white and Blue glass bracelet for fourth of july
Pictured Above(from top): Blue Armadillo, White Stripe, Autumn Foliage, The Eye, White Bubbles, Saffron Facet, Throat Chakra, The Diamond Bead in White, Autumn Rays, Star Spangled, Milky Way, Mountain Crystal, Scarlet Bud, The Diamond Bead in Blue, Milky Quartz, Red Stripe, Lapis Lazuli, White Steel, Red Bubbles on a Silver Trollbeads Bracelet with Sun, Moon and Stars Lock.

Do you ever do themed bracelets? What are your favs? Do you plan out themes when you are buying beads or just let them come to you? Have you ever tried an all glass or all silver bracelet? Let’s chat! We are all ears!


2 thoughts on “Trollbeads Star Spangled and Ready for the 4th of July!

  1. I do themed bracelets every month (I’m a teacher so maybe its an occupational hazard!). I take pictures of the bracelets designs, but only to have a reference if I want to recreate something. I enjoy creating “from scratch” every month and having a “new” bracelet to wear!

  2. I’m pretty sure ALL my bracelets are themed. Some are more complete than others, some have beads that are used on two bracelets, but I didn’t start out to make themes in the beginning. When my first bracelet turned into a double, then that filled I had to break them up into monthly themes by season or subject or color. Now I even have a wishlist for as yet uninvented beads and locks. PS- it wasn’t a good idea for me to look through People’s Bead entries… there’s at least one I’ll never have and I’m desperate!

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