Trollbeads Day 2017


 Pictured Above: Rose Quartz, Water Lilies of July, Diamond Bead with a Gold CoreRed Tiger Eye, Fantasy Rose Pendant, Golden Cave, Golden Rutilated Quartz 1, Spring Leaves, White Pearl, Gold Stopper

Every year since 2014 Trollbeads has released something to celebrate another year of artistry and community. Trollbeads day is meant to be a time when we all can come together and be inspired by fellow collectors and their creations, swap stories, share secrets on where to find great retired beads etc. This is the attitude I would like to continue this post with, even though we will be treading on what I am beginning to understand as a sensitive subject.


Pictured Above: Golden Rudilated Quartz 2, Emerald, Giant Lotus Pendant on a Fantasy Necklace

You see, like other stones in the collection the Golden Rutilated Quartz has a price tag that compares to the emeralds and rubies in the collection, and that has more than one person upset. And to be fair I understand. Everyone wants to participate in Trollbeads special day, so why choose a bead that would not be unattainable for most customers? This may continue to be a mystery, but I can tell you that I will be spluging on one of these. However- I am not buying it becasue it is a Trollbeads Day Bead, the Trollface bead released in 2015 didn’t do much for me so I passed on that one, but this I like quite a bit. 

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Pictured Above: Golden Rudilated Quartz 3, Path of Life, and Cool Dusk on a Light/Dark Brown Leather Bracelet

Rutilated quartz is reputed to be an energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Gemstone fans say that it assists with mental focus. It is also said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Who wouldn’t benifit from those quailites?

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Pictured Above: Golden Rutilated Quartz 4 on a Silver Bangle with Silver Spacers

So what about you? Is this bead something you are interested in or are you not a fan? Do you like the clearer beads or the more honey colored? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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Pictured Above: Blue Goldstone, Golden Rutliated Quartz 5, Planet


2 thoughts on “Trollbeads Day 2017

  1. I would absolutely have loved to get one of the Trollbeads Day beads, but I will not pay that much. Please note I said will not, not cannot. I understand that exchange rates change and the costs of materials and labor go up, but what started out as a fun, charming hobby has become at times prohibitively expensive. Because of the cost I have cut back on buying regular beads, and rarely, if ever purchase the special beads anymore.

  2. I totally agree with you Shelly Haddock! It’s a pretty bead but I think there’s a problem when your hobby costs more than your mortgage payment lol
    A lady once asked me about my bracelet and she seemed super interested in buying some for herself. I told her where she could buy some and she wrote the website address down. Then untold her she could get *6 beads for 230$ and she looked at me with total disbelief and shock like I was crazy! I will never forget the look. Now imagine this bead had been available and I told her how much it would cost…
    Jsut because we can afford things, does not mean we should buy…

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