Starlight Bracelet

Trollbeads Akron Starlight Bracelet Design

My absolute favorite part of summer is sitting outside and enjoying a meal and the night with my family and friends. This bracelet is a little celebration of those long warm nights under the stars.

This design started off just as a black and blue bracelet with some silver, but I found that a well placed bright bead really brought this design to life. As any Troll fan knows it just takes 2-3 beads to really alter a design, this being no exception. I didn’t use any of the new zodiac stars, but I am thinking of adding one later. What do you think?

Trollbeads Akron Starlight Bracelet

Purity, Black Onyx, The Diamond Bead with Gold Core, The Eye, Smile of Stars, Sahara Night Facet, The Diamond Bead in Blue, Blue Goldstone, Daylight Brilliance Bead, Starry Night, The Diamond Bead in Black, Moon Ocean, Blue Tiger Eye, Shooting Stars, Pure Heart, Spirit Light, Wave of Dreams, Sparkling Star, Black Silk, Milky Way on a Silver Bracelet with a Freja Knot Lock.

Do you have a special seasonal bracelet or something to commemorate a special occasion? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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