October Flash Sale!

Hope Facet Bracelet

Surprise! It’s a special Flash Sale! The perfect way to treat yourself before the holiday crazy begins! Truthfully when I saw this list of bead that were on sale they made me scratch my head. It is a pretty random assortment, but there are some GREAT treasures on this list and I wanted to share a few of my favorites.

Pictured Above: Tears of Shiva, Hope Facet, Planet (small), and Grey Prism

The beads in the photo above I may not use all the time ( with the exception of the grey prism– that I use ALL THE TIME), but they are really lovely beads, the Hope Facet I like wearing like this, or close to an Amethyst, which really makes the purple in the bead pop. The Planet, small I have some plans for due to the celestial nature of the upcoming holiday release.

October Flash Sale beads

Pictured Above: Drum Beat, Orange Pod, Babylonian Nymph, Aqua Edge Petals

Can we please talk about this lovely Drum Beat bead for a moment? I use this thing all the time and I feel like it gets over looked quite a bit. I loved the Africa kit as a whole, but this one is my favorite. Yes, even more than the African Pride, which is cool in its own right, but you can only use 1-2 in your collection before lions start taking over.

The pod beads ( seen here in Orange) collectors had strong opinions about, there were not many people who did not have string feelings either way about them. I am one of the few who REALLY liked them (especially the red), but this may have to do with the fact that their designer came out to our store a few years ago and attempted to teach us how to make beads ( which is so hard and very fun). After that experience I looked at these beads in a whole new light. I also have a special bead that Ms. Crossman Moore sent after the event that has irredentist pods on it and I wear that on a pretty regular basis.

A selection of discounted Trollbeads (October Flash Sale 2017)

Pictured Above: Family of Puppies, Spring, Lime Prism, Clear Coral Stripe, and Coral Stripe

One more bead that I have to mention is the Family of Puppies. When this bead first came out this tangle of dogs did nothing for me. Now that I have a dog of my own, not only do I understand the appeal of this bead, it reminds me of taking my dog to the dog park in the mornings and I plan on adding this to my own collection.

What beads do you really like from the flash sale? Are there any you are getting multiples of? Do you think the beads that are not retired on this list are slated for a 2018 retirement?

(Side Note: Justin just got done teasing me for all the photos I do on this gray background and I am now determined to NOT take pics on this for the next season. Please call me out if necessary ? I need you!)

4 thoughts on “October Flash Sale!

    1. Patti- We generally do not put any prices on our blog post. You can find those by clicking on the links in the article. This sale ended in October so any mark downs will no longer be applicable.

  1. I would love to see an iridescent pod type bead come out. It would have been a beauty as a xmas bead instead of the funky same old style beads they produced this year.

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