Trollbeads Summer Release 2019: Round Stones and Ocean Additions

Ok, stop me if you have heard this before, but I love stones. I am still mourning not being able to find more Canadian Jade from the Summer Stones collection of long ago. I also love using pearls in a lot of my designs, playing on both texture and size variation. So this release is… well, what my Trolbeads dreams are made of. There are no new stones, per say, but they are brand new shapes for stones we all know and love, and which I personally use all the time.

Thank goodness the release of theses round stones were accompanied with ocean themed silver charms, otherwise there would be no way that I would have been able to focus this blog post on any particular look. I think these stones can be used with so much, I would have been temped to show you EVERY way you could use them, and that would take me a week instead of the normal two day blog post process.

The two ocean themed beads that were included in this release don’t necessarily need to be used on a necklace, though that is how they are photographed here. The Framed by Sea Trollbead is really beautiful on a bracelet, and the Conch Pendant is a very eye catching center piece for your bangle design. Really, as far a versatility goes, this collection hits all the marks.

Another reason I am very happy with this release is that with the past few retirements, especially with the retirements of the hematite beads, I feel like there was a major void in the “solids” of the collection. I find incorporating a few solids into each of my designs helps them feel anchored and not too “busy”. I love highlighting colors and patterns, but if you use too much of either it looses something special.

What are your thoughts on this small summer release? Are you as happy with the round stones as I am or is there something else you were hoping for?