In 2006 Justin Girves started The Gardner of Bath, a small store in a tiny town in Northeast Ohio, aimed at selling unique gifts and gardening products. When a recession hit the United States in 2008 it was time to get creative and find some new avenues, or risk loosing the business. Enter Trollbeads, which unbeknownst to Justin, would change his business and his life.



Who: Justin Girves- Owner and Manager of The Gardener of Bath and Trollbeads Akron

Hobbies: Gardening, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Yoga, Running, Raising Chickens

Favorite Bead: Angles Tip. I tend to like the more geometric, silver designs that are simple and straight forward.

Best Trollbeads Memory: Creating four full bracelets for a single customer during a three hour visit to the shop. Each bracelet had a focused theme, composed mostly of Unique Trollbeads.

Favorite Places: Greece, the deep woods, my house.



Heather GirvesWho: Heather Girves- Co-Owner and Manager of The Gardener of Bath and Trollbeads Akron

Hobbies: Reading, Photography, Yoga, Cooking, Baking

Favorite Bead: Three Siblings ” I have two sisters and I never wear a bracelet without the Three Siblings Bead on it. I like to be reminded of my sisters every time I look at my bracelet.”

Best Trollbeads Memory: ” When we first started getting really amazing unique beads in, a customer came to the store and we played for hours! She knew so much about Trollbeads and had such an amazing sense of design. I was just starting to work with Trollbeads and had no idea how much thought and effort was put into every single bead. I guess you could say that she really helped me fall in love with Trollbeads”

Favorite Places: Colorado and the South of France


Sarah Hanselman

Who: Sarah Hanselman- Myers

Hobbies: Twister with my daughter, puzzles, organizing, working out, volleyball, Jewish Cooking Club, making hummus, trying new things and volunteering.

Favorite Bead: It’s actually a lock! I love my chess lock.

Best Trollbeads Memory: Trollbeads training at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. It was a fun filled day with so many learning opportunities. Also that’s where I picked up my favorite Trollbeads item!

Favorite Places: Trollbeads Akron of course! WeHo and the rest of California, NYC, Bay Village, and of course anywhere new!



Emily Stryker

Who: Emily Stryker

Hobbies: Reading, shopping, eating ice cream, playing with my dogs, trying new things

Favorite Trollbeads: Goldstone or Starry Night

Favorite Trollbeads Memory: interacting with new customers everyday and helping them find the perfect Trollbead

Favorite Places: Florence, Amsterdam, and London





And of course the most important part of our crew


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